essential oils, self-care

Essential Oils for Relaxation

IMG_4804One of my favorite things about oils is how well they help me relax & de-stress. I tend to get wound up about all kinds of things, so I am constantly grabbing a bottle of oil to combat those feelings. Here’s some of my favorites…


Add this oil to your bath, & you will feel so calm. Seriously. Try it.
It’s also great to rub on the back of your neck, or on your wrist then inhale deeply.

Wild OrangeIMG_4803

Lately, I’ve been diffusing this at night to help me relax & sleep well. I also inhale it throughout the day to promote feelings of relaxation & to de-stress/unwind.


So,typically, this oil isn’t really used for relaxing, but since it can help alleviate upset stomach, occasional headaches, and open up airways, it helps me feel relaxed because of those benefits. My all-time favorite two oils to blend together are Wild Orange & Peppermint because they are so calming & invigorating at the same time.

Happy Oiling!

If you want more information about the type of oils I use, contact me, and I will send to you!


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